Why Pennsylvania Homeowners Shouldn’t Fight Bed Bugs Alone

a crawling and biting bed bug infesting the cotton linens of a pennsylvania resident during the darkness of night

There are many things in life you shouldn’t do alone. Things where you do not have the needed experience or training to do a job right. We hire mechanics because if we tried to fix our cars ourselves they might explode. We hire doctors because we did not go through 8 plus years of medical training to know how to fix ourselves when things go majorly wrong. If there is something in life we cannot do on our own, we ask for help, it’s just that simple. With bed bugs, it’s no different. If you have bed bugs causing you trouble in your home, you need the help of someone who knows what they are doing, someone who has trained long and hard to be good at what they do.

Why Bed Bugs Will Become More Active Soon

Before we talk about when bed bugs will become more active here in Pensylvania, let’s first talk about why bed bugs are a year-round problem.

Unlike other pests that spend the majority of their time outdoors, bed bugs are co-dependent creatures. They are more likely to spend the majority of their time clinging to a briefcase waiting till they find a place to call home rather than even a few minutes wandering through grass outdoors. This nature keeps them safe from the trials of our changing climate as they only spend as much time outdoors as the items they are hiding on.

The reason they will be becoming more active soon in Pensylvania is simple. It’s because we will be more active. Because bed bugs rely on us moving about to get from place to place, the more we move, the more they are able to travel. As the weather heats back up, and locals and tourists alike start traveling out and about more, so will bed bugs.

Ways That DIY Bed Bug Treatments Can Go Wrong

If you are unfortunate enough to have bed bugs cling their way into your home, you are probably wondering, “What can I do to get rid of them?” If you read the label on the store-bought pest control box, it may seem as easy as steps 1, 2, and 3. However, there is something they are not telling you. Bed bugs are master hiders. When you use store-bought treatments to get them to go away, they are likely to just run and hide until that treatment wears off or is washed away. Another way DIY can go wrong is if you use pesticides improperly. Most store-bought bed bug treatments contain dangerous chemicals that, if used improperly, could be hazardous to more than just bed bugs, and that’s a risk no homeowner should have to take.

Benefits Of Professional Service For Bed Bugs Through MAD

We hope you never have to deal with bed bugs in your home, but if you do, we want you to know we are here to help. The professionals here at MAD Exterminators have trained long and hard to know how to identify, spot, and deal with troublesome bed bugs. If you are in need of a helping hand, we would like to provide assistance. Give us a call today to schedule an inspection for your home. One of our highly trained pest technicians would be happy to assess your situation and find a solution that works best for you!
